12 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi

Video: North America's Fifty Classic Climbs - Episode 1: Fine Jade (5.11a)

Our friends over at EpicTV have just launched a promising looking new series of videos that will give viewers a glimpse of the North America's 50 Classic Climbs. The series will feature climbers Mark and Janelle Smiley, as they attempt to climb each of the routes in that classic book. These videos will allow us to come along for the ride.

In episode one, Mark and Janelle head to Utah to climb a sandstone tower on a 5.11a route called Fine Jade. While not an incredibly long, or difficult, climb, it does provide some solid challenges to get them started, while also providing some outstanding views of the surrounding landscapes as well.

This looks like it could be a fun new series, so be sure to check out future episodes here.

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