If you're still looking for that last minute Christmas gift for the outdoor adventurer in your life, and could use a little extra help, that perhaps the Gear Institute could be of assistance. The website, which is dedicated to all things outdoor gear related, has announced it's gear of the year picks for 2014, naming the items that are Best in Class in over 45 different categories that range from climbing, hiking, camping, running, and more.
Some of the items that earned this distinction from the expert staff over at the Gear Institute include the Lowa Camino LL Flex boots, which were named the best backpacking boot, and the Patagonia Ascensionist 35L which won best daypack. Joining those items in the winner circle were the La Sportive TC Pro climbing shoes (best all-purpose climbing shoe), and the Primus ETA Lite (best rapid-boil stove). Mountain Hardware's Skyledge 3 earned the distinction of being the best 3-person backpacking tent, while the Brooks Cascade 9 went home with the trophy for top comfort trail running shoes.
The Gear Institute has been around for a few years now, and over that time it has become one of the best online resources for anything outdoor gear related. Their team consists of numerous individual experts on specific gear items, and they put that expertise to good use testing and reviewing all kinds of items that will likely be of interest to you. Be sure to check out their Best in Class 2014 list to see what gear items have impressed them the most this year.
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