14 Ekim 2014 Salı

Video: A Stunning Journey Across Olympic National Park

Looking for an escape to an amazing outdoor setting today? If you're like me, and can't actually get outside at the moment, then the next best thing just might be this video. It was made by filmmakers Jim and Will Pattiz, two brothers who have a passion for America's national parks. In this case, they traveled to Olympic National Park to capture some of the amazing settings that can be found there. After a month of filming, they have compiled a four-and-a-half minute clip that is breathtakingly beautiful. If all goes well, the brothers hope to make similar films of the other 58 parks that are part of the U.S. national park system. Watch this amazing video, then go find out more about their project at MoreThanJustParks.com.

MTJP | OLYMPIC from More Than Just Parks on Vimeo.

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